Friday, January 4, 2008

Losing Weight in 2008! A Startling Incentive

Is becoming healthier, eating better, or losing weight among your goals for the New Year? To support you, I thought I’d pass along a wonderful resource for learning how to achieve all of these goals – the "Nutrition Action" newsletter, which is published by the consumer advocacy group, the Center for Science in the Public Interest ( CSPI is a very important group. They have been around since 1971, working hard for you as an advocate and lobbyist for honest food labeling, healthy food ingredients, and consumer nutrition education. A yearly subscription to the newsletter is only $10 in the United States.

For many people, reaching an optimum weight is one of their New Year's resolutions. The cover article of the last issue of "Nutrition Action" gives you a powerful incentive – discovering that being overweight is an important factor in developing cancer. According to the Newsletter and a new report from the American Institute for Cancer Research/World Cancer Research Fund, maintaining your goal weight is the single most important factor in preventing cancer beyond quitting smoking!! Even a 5 to 10 percent loss in weight can make a difference.

If you need help and information for losing weight, consider signing up for my weight loss support program. To learn more, write to me at

To your health, joy and prosperity in 2008!


Robin Quinn
Health and Nutrition Educator

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