Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fatigue RX: Exercise?

Ever experience one of those afternoon slumps where your brain gets fuzzy? Maybe this is a regular experience for you? Beyond munching on an energizing snack like walnuts or an apple, an counterintuitive move can be stepping outside for a walk around the neighborhood. It might be just what you need to cut through your brain fog so you can work more efficiently and/or gain more enjoyment from your day. Exercise is a handy strategy for releasing stress and quieting unsettling mind chatter. Once you’re outside, create a Zen zone for yourself, and place your mind/body in the moment. Take in the wonders of nature, such as looking up at the wide open sky and noticing if there is an abundance or absence of clouds. You might repeat a supportive mantra, like “I have plenty of the time” or a single word like “Peace.” I like to walk for a least 30 minutes most days. Office workers may find their lunch hour to be a good slot for fitting in a walk, or the self-employed may agree with me that late afternoons are a perfect time for a stroll. Remember, you don’t have to get your 30 minutes 3-4 times a week of exercise all at once. You can break it up into two sessions in a day of 15 minutes, 3 of 10 minutes, etc., and still get the benefits of exercise. All you need is to give yourself that initial push to get into motion. Soon you may discover regular exercise has become an energizing habit!

Be well!

Robin Quinn