Thursday, March 13, 2014

2014 - The Year of Chia & Kale at the Natural Products Expo West

As usual, the Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim was a delicious and fascinating affair this past weekend. And I officially dub 2014’s Expo, The Year of Chia & Kale. In the upcoming weeks, I will blog on highlights from the show. Today….  Chia.

Anyone for a Chia Lollipop? As I walked the show floor, I came across XIOMEGA3 and their CHIA POPS. Handing me one, the booth rep noted, "You’ve got to have some fun with these products!" Like the other chia seed offerings, promotion for CHIA POPS mention that the seeds are a plant-based source of those all important Omega 3s. Could be a fun way to get these nutrients into your child or your child-at-heart self.

I saw many products combining Chia Seeds with Juice or other liquids. A friend at the show told me her favorite Chia Seed Products vendor is MAMMA CHIA, which calls itself the maker of “The Original Chia Seed Drink.” I found their sample of the “CHIA SQUEEZE VITALITY SNACK" - MANGO COCONUT flavor – to be tasty and convenient in its disposable foil pouch (thus the “squeeze” part of the name). Here’s a link for its counterpart in a glass container, which delivers 2500 mg of Omega 3s, 4 gs of complete protein, 95 mg calcium, plus antioxidants. And the “Squeeze Vitality Snack" version is only 80 calories per pouch.

At the Expo, NATURE'S PATH was offering tastings of Q’IA, its cereal brand that includes Chia Seeds mixed with other healthy ingredients such as Buckwheat, Hemp and Fruit and Veggie Purees. The cereals are organic, vegan, no-salt-added as well as gluten-, fructose- and lactose-free. They can be sprinkled into oatmeal, smoothies or salads as additional options to cereal in yogurt. Flavors include Cranberry Vanilla and Apple Cinnamon. In case you're wondering, “Q’ia” means energy.

Next up, “Kale Fever.” Serving that blog up within the week… Tune in again!

For the health of it!

Health Educator