Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What's for Dinner? According to the FDA, Cloned Meat!

For me, the disgusted look on the news anchor's face yesterday told the whole story as he introduced the cloned food segment on the evening news. Is meat and milk from cloned animals safe for human consumption? Yes, announced the FDA after years of review. "These products are no different than foods from traditionally bred animals," commented Bruce I. Knight, an Under Secretary at the US Department of Agriculture.

My questions are the following... just because we have a technology does that mean we have to use it? What's wrong with the meat and dairy products that we already have available? Is there really a way to know that this food is no different, or will we simply become the guinea pigs and learn the dangers later?

It could be more than two to three years before such foods reach our grocery stores. Meanwhile the cloned animals will be used more for breeding what is believed to be superior stock. The FDA plans no labeling of these products because they have concluded they pose no safety issues.

If you object to cloned food products, write to:

FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach MD
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, Rm 1061
Rockville, MD 20852

Organizations that have been working on this issue include:

The Center for Food Safety,
The Center for Environmental Health,

Amazed at our wacky world,

Robin Quinn
Health and Nutrition Educator

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